Pull into the Station at Riverdale Park and the first thing you’ll notice is a lovingly restored ERCO 415-C single-propeller plane. Manufactured in Riverdale, the ERCO Ercoupe was designed to be “the airplane that anyone could fly”. It was safe, affordable, certified as "characteristically incapable of spinning" and widely available from the Macy’s and J.C. Penney catalogs. The hardworking folks who designed and built those iconic planes? They lived right here, where Pilot House now stands.

Today, we’re looking towards the future; towards a welcoming community that allows each of our residents to soar closer to their own dreams. We’ve got connections to get you where you’re going, amenities to keep you entertained, friendly neighbors to join your crew, and services that will free up your time. So set your sights on the horizon, because at Pilot House, you’re cleared for take-off.